Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

Good thing Minnie didn't race in the Northwest. She'd be the only hound in the kennel that refused to go outside. You see, Minnie doesn't like the rain. She doesn't even like the damp. And she's not crazy about the cold.

For the past several days, we've been working on that. Oh, she lets us know when she needs to to out. No worries there. But once she realizes it's not sunny, you have to nudge her off the porch. Then she runs down the steps and tries to turn around and come back up them. More nudging. More encouragement. I stand on the porch like an idiot yelling, "Outside. Outside." That's our trigger word.

Finally, she goes out into the yard about 10 feet. Does a quick squat and back up the steps and inside. Really, it's not such a bad thing. She doesn't get too wet, she doesn't play in the mud and you don't have to wonder if she got lost in the backyard!

With today's forecast, we'll see if her attitude is any better about snow!

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